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"""Accesses the google.logging.v2 LoggingServiceV2 API."""

import json
import os
import pkg_resources
import platform

from google.gax import api_callable
from google.gax import config
from google.gax import path_template
import google.gax

from google.api import monitored_resource_pb2
from import enums
from import log_entry_pb2
from import logging_pb2

_PageDesc = google.gax.PageDescriptor

[docs]class LoggingServiceV2Client(object): """Service for ingesting and querying logs.""" SERVICE_ADDRESS = '' """The default address of the service.""" DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT = 443 """The default port of the service.""" _CODE_GEN_NAME_VERSION = 'gapic/0.1.0' _GAX_VERSION = pkg_resources.get_distribution('google-gax').version _PAGE_DESCRIPTORS = { 'list_log_entries': _PageDesc('page_token', 'next_page_token', 'entries'), 'list_monitored_resource_descriptors': _PageDesc('page_token', 'next_page_token', 'resource_descriptors') } # The scopes needed to make gRPC calls to all of the methods defined in # this service _ALL_SCOPES = ( '', '', '', '', '', ) _PARENT_PATH_TEMPLATE = path_template.PathTemplate('projects/{project}') _LOG_PATH_TEMPLATE = path_template.PathTemplate( 'projects/{project}/logs/{log}') @classmethod
[docs] def parent_path(cls, project): """Returns a fully-qualified parent resource name string.""" return cls._PARENT_PATH_TEMPLATE.render({'project': project, })
[docs] def log_path(cls, project, log): """Returns a fully-qualified log resource name string.""" return cls._LOG_PATH_TEMPLATE.render({ 'project': project, 'log': log, })
[docs] def match_project_from_parent_name(cls, parent_name): """Parses the project from a parent resource. Args: parent_name (string): A fully-qualified path representing a parent resource. Returns: A string representing the project. """ return cls._PARENT_PATH_TEMPLATE.match(parent_name).get('project')
[docs] def match_project_from_log_name(cls, log_name): """Parses the project from a log resource. Args: log_name (string): A fully-qualified path representing a log resource. Returns: A string representing the project. """ return cls._LOG_PATH_TEMPLATE.match(log_name).get('project')
[docs] def match_log_from_log_name(cls, log_name): """Parses the log from a log resource. Args: log_name (string): A fully-qualified path representing a log resource. Returns: A string representing the log. """ return cls._LOG_PATH_TEMPLATE.match(log_name).get('log')
def __init__(self, service_path=SERVICE_ADDRESS, port=DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT, channel=None, credentials=None, ssl_credentials=None, scopes=None, client_config=None, app_name='gax', app_version=_GAX_VERSION): """Constructor. Args: service_path (string): The domain name of the API remote host. port (int): The port on which to connect to the remote host. channel (:class:`grpc.Channel`): A ``Channel`` instance through which to make calls. credentials (object): The authorization credentials to attach to requests. These credentials identify this application to the service. ssl_credentials (:class:`grpc.ChannelCredentials`): A ``ChannelCredentials`` instance for use with an SSL-enabled channel. scopes (list[string]): A list of OAuth2 scopes to attach to requests. client_config (dict): A dictionary for call options for each method. See :func:`google.gax.construct_settings` for the structure of this data. Falls back to the default config if not specified or the specified config is missing data points. app_name (string): The codename of the calling service. app_version (string): The version of the calling service. Returns: A LoggingServiceV2Client object. """ if scopes is None: scopes = self._ALL_SCOPES if client_config is None: client_config = {} goog_api_client = '{}/{} {} gax/{} python/{}'.format( app_name, app_version, self._CODE_GEN_NAME_VERSION, self._GAX_VERSION, platform.python_version()) metadata = [('x-goog-api-client', goog_api_client)] default_client_config = json.loads( pkg_resources.resource_string( __name__, 'logging_service_v2_client_config.json').decode()) defaults = api_callable.construct_settings( 'google.logging.v2.LoggingServiceV2', default_client_config, client_config, config.STATUS_CODE_NAMES, kwargs={'metadata': metadata}, page_descriptors=self._PAGE_DESCRIPTORS) self.logging_service_v2_stub = config.create_stub( logging_pb2.LoggingServiceV2Stub, channel=channel, service_path=service_path, service_port=port, credentials=credentials, scopes=scopes, ssl_credentials=ssl_credentials) self._delete_log = api_callable.create_api_call( self.logging_service_v2_stub.DeleteLog, settings=defaults['delete_log']) self._write_log_entries = api_callable.create_api_call( self.logging_service_v2_stub.WriteLogEntries, settings=defaults['write_log_entries']) self._list_log_entries = api_callable.create_api_call( self.logging_service_v2_stub.ListLogEntries, settings=defaults['list_log_entries']) self._list_monitored_resource_descriptors = api_callable.create_api_call( self.logging_service_v2_stub.ListMonitoredResourceDescriptors, settings=defaults['list_monitored_resource_descriptors']) # Service calls
[docs] def delete_log(self, log_name, options=None): """ Deletes all the log entries in a log. The log reappears if it receives new entries. Example: >>> from import logging_service_v2_client >>> api = logging_service_v2_client.LoggingServiceV2Client() >>> log_name = api.log_path('[PROJECT]', '[LOG]') >>> api.delete_log(log_name) Args: log_name (string): Required. The resource name of the log to delete: :: \"projects/[PROJECT_ID]/logs/[LOG_ID]\" \"organizations/[ORGANIZATION_ID]/logs/[LOG_ID]\" ``[LOG_ID]`` must be URL-encoded. For example, ``\"projects/my-project-id/logs/syslog\"``, ``\"organizations/1234567890/logs/\"``. For more information about log names, see ``LogEntry``. options (:class:`google.gax.CallOptions`): Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries etc. Raises: :exc:`google.gax.errors.GaxError` if the RPC is aborted. :exc:`ValueError` if the parameters are invalid. """ request = logging_pb2.DeleteLogRequest(log_name=log_name) self._delete_log(request, options)
[docs] def write_log_entries(self, entries, log_name='', resource=None, labels=None, partial_success=False, options=None): """ Writes log entries to Stackdriver Logging. All log entries are written by this method. Example: >>> from import logging_service_v2_client >>> from import log_entry_pb2 >>> api = logging_service_v2_client.LoggingServiceV2Client() >>> entries = [] >>> response = api.write_log_entries(entries) Args: log_name (string): Optional. A default log resource name that is assigned to all log entries in ``entries`` that do not specify a value for ``log_name``: :: \"projects/[PROJECT_ID]/logs/[LOG_ID]\" \"organizations/[ORGANIZATION_ID]/logs/[LOG_ID]\" ``[LOG_ID]`` must be URL-encoded. For example, ``\"projects/my-project-id/logs/syslog\"`` or ``\"organizations/1234567890/logs/\"``. For more information about log names, see ``LogEntry``. resource (:class:`google.api.monitored_resource_pb2.MonitoredResource`): Optional. A default monitored resource object that is assigned to all log entries in ``entries`` that do not specify a value for ``resource``. Example: :: { \"type\": \"gce_instance\", \"labels\": { \"zone\": \"us-central1-a\", \"instance_id\": \"00000000000000000000\" }} See ``LogEntry``. labels (dict[string -> :class:``]): Optional. Default labels that are added to the ``labels`` field of all log entries in ``entries``. If a log entry already has a label with the same key as a label in this parameter, then the log entry's label is not changed. See ``LogEntry``. entries (list[:class:``]): Required. The log entries to write. Values supplied for the fields ``log_name``, ``resource``, and ``labels`` in this ``entries.write`` request are added to those log entries that do not provide their own values for the fields. To improve throughput and to avoid exceeding the `quota limit <>`_ for calls to ``entries.write``, you should write multiple log entries at once rather than calling this method for each individual log entry. partial_success (bool): Optional. Whether valid entries should be written even if some other entries fail due to INVALID_ARGUMENT or PERMISSION_DENIED errors. If any entry is not written, the response status will be the error associated with one of the failed entries and include error details in the form of WriteLogEntriesPartialErrors. options (:class:`google.gax.CallOptions`): Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries etc. Returns: A :class:`` instance. Raises: :exc:`google.gax.errors.GaxError` if the RPC is aborted. :exc:`ValueError` if the parameters are invalid. """ if resource is None: resource = monitored_resource_pb2.MonitoredResource() if labels is None: labels = [] request = logging_pb2.WriteLogEntriesRequest( entries=entries, log_name=log_name, resource=resource, labels=labels, partial_success=partial_success) return self._write_log_entries(request, options)
[docs] def list_log_entries(self, resource_names, project_ids=None, filter_='', order_by='', page_size=0, options=None): """ Lists log entries. Use this method to retrieve log entries from Cloud Logging. For ways to export log entries, see `Exporting Logs <>`_. Example: >>> from import logging_service_v2_client >>> from google.gax import CallOptions, INITIAL_PAGE >>> api = logging_service_v2_client.LoggingServiceV2Client() >>> resource_names = [] >>> >>> # Iterate over all results >>> for element in api.list_log_entries(resource_names): >>> # process element >>> pass >>> >>> # Or iterate over results one page at a time >>> for page in api.list_log_entries(resource_names, options=CallOptions(page_token=INITIAL_PAGE)): >>> for element in page: >>> # process element >>> pass Args: project_ids (list[string]): Deprecated. One or more project identifiers or project numbers from which to retrieve log entries. Example: ``\"my-project-1A\"``. If present, these project identifiers are converted to resource format and added to the list of resources in ``resourceNames``. Callers should use ``resourceNames`` rather than this parameter. resource_names (list[string]): Required. One or more cloud resources from which to retrieve log entries: :: \"projects/[PROJECT_ID]\" \"organizations/[ORGANIZATION_ID]\" Projects listed in the ``project_ids`` field are added to this list. filter_ (string): Optional. A filter that chooses which log entries to return. See [Advanced Logs Filters](/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters). Only log entries that match the filter are returned. An empty filter matches all log entries. The maximum length of the filter is 20000 characters. order_by (string): Optional. How the results should be sorted. Presently, the only permitted values are ``\"timestamp asc\"`` (default) and ``\"timestamp desc\"``. The first option returns entries in order of increasing values of ``LogEntry.timestamp`` (oldest first), and the second option returns entries in order of decreasing timestamps (newest first). Entries with equal timestamps are returned in order of ``LogEntry.insertId``. page_size (int): The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API response. If page streaming is performed per- resource, this parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of resources in a page. options (:class:`google.gax.CallOptions`): Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries etc. Returns: A :class:`google.gax.PageIterator` instance. By default, this is an iterable of :class:`` instances. This object can also be configured to iterate over the pages of the response through the `CallOptions` parameter. Raises: :exc:`google.gax.errors.GaxError` if the RPC is aborted. :exc:`ValueError` if the parameters are invalid. """ if project_ids is None: project_ids = [] request = logging_pb2.ListLogEntriesRequest( resource_names=resource_names, project_ids=project_ids, filter=filter_, order_by=order_by, page_size=page_size) return self._list_log_entries(request, options)
[docs] def list_monitored_resource_descriptors(self, page_size=0, options=None): """ Lists the monitored resource descriptors used by Stackdriver Logging. Example: >>> from import logging_service_v2_client >>> from google.gax import CallOptions, INITIAL_PAGE >>> api = logging_service_v2_client.LoggingServiceV2Client() >>> >>> # Iterate over all results >>> for element in api.list_monitored_resource_descriptors(): >>> # process element >>> pass >>> >>> # Or iterate over results one page at a time >>> for page in api.list_monitored_resource_descriptors(options=CallOptions(page_token=INITIAL_PAGE)): >>> for element in page: >>> # process element >>> pass Args: page_size (int): The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API response. If page streaming is performed per- resource, this parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of resources in a page. options (:class:`google.gax.CallOptions`): Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries etc. Returns: A :class:`google.gax.PageIterator` instance. By default, this is an iterable of :class:`google.api.monitored_resource_pb2.MonitoredResourceDescriptor` instances. This object can also be configured to iterate over the pages of the response through the `CallOptions` parameter. Raises: :exc:`google.gax.errors.GaxError` if the RPC is aborted. :exc:`ValueError` if the parameters are invalid. """ request = logging_pb2.ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsRequest( page_size=page_size) return self._list_monitored_resource_descriptors(request, options)